
Showing posts from June, 2021

Why Is school and work balance so important ?

 How do we achieve a school - work balance ? You just bring you homework into work. Seriously it's next Impossible to have a work life balance and adding school to it makes it extremely hard not to stress out over the due dates and on going projects. For an example we had a class meeting in middle of the day 90 percent of us have full time jobs. I personally had to use my lunch to log into today meeting. I have to use a calendar to keep track of deadlines are coming up. This also help me keep track of when my next meeting is or when class is. Blocking off time to focus without any distractions to get task done. If this means you need to turn off your cell phone and step into a coffee shop that you don't have any distractions  . I also find meditation throughout my day to help clear my head. Please let me know what helps you to get all the to- do list done.